JP’s 50 Years’ Service Morning Tea and Presentation

May 22, 2024

It was a pleasure to host a morning tea for Justices of the Peace who have achieved 50 years’ service in 2023. In April, the Department of Communities and Justice and the Attorney General, The Hon Michael Daley, held a ceremony at Parliament House to thank these JPs across New South Wales. Nine local residents of Castle Hill, Mr Noel Love, Mr Daniel O'Dea, Mr Cecil Fisher, Mr Douglas McClymont, Mr Ross Page, Mr Brian Pusep, Mr Terry Manderson, Mr John Maker, and Mr Valerie Evans, were all acknowledged for their 50 years' continual service as Justices of the Peace. It was an honour to have the Federal Member for Mitchell and the Mayor of the Hills Shire Council in attendance, as well as Ian Gilbertson, as a representative from the NSW Justice of the Peace Association. I would like to congratulate the JPs and thank them for their continued and dedicated service to The Hills community.